7 Tips For Locating The Best Phlebotomy Schools

7 Tips For Locating The Best Phlebotomy Schools
August 24, 2015 Phlebotomy Training Group

A phlebotomy technician is the individual who draws the blood from patients that is used for blood typing and analysis. The laboratory technicians take the blood that the phlebotomist draws and performs the tests ordered by that the patient’s physician.

These blood tests are extremely important in the accurate diagnosis of a patient’s condition. Blood tests are also used to monitor a patient’s medication and for determining a patient’s blood type. Blood typing is another very important test. If a patient needs a blood transfusion, he can only receive blood that is compatible with his type. Therefore, blood typing must be accurate.

There are several circumstances that can cause inaccurate test results. The phlebotomist needs to know what these circumstances are and how to prevent them from occurring. For these reasons, certified phlebotomy schools are becoming increasingly important in the health care industry.

Every hospital must have phlebotomists because nearly every diagnosis involves a blood specimen.

The main subjects that a phlebotomist will study include:

  • Anatomy
  • Physiology of circulation
  • Safety
  • Biology
  • Phlebotomy techniques

Phlebotomy courses offer students the knowledge necessary for collecting adequate blood samples for testing. Today, becoming a phlebotomist is easier than ever because you can take your classes online or at a brick-and-mortar school. You need to choose a school that integrates well with your current schedule.

Self-motivated individuals are ideal for online classes; however, individuals who have difficulty motivating themselves may want to consider a brick-and-mortar school.

Find Phlebotomy Schools in the United States1. Choose a Phlebotomy School that is Accredited

The Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) only recognizes the best phlebotomy certification schools. If you choose to enroll in a school that the CLSI does not recognize, you will be unable to practice phlebotomy following graduation. In order to obtain employment, you will be required to attain a certificate from an institution that is recognized.

The CLSI was formerly known as the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS). It is a non-profit, educational organization that sets health care standards worldwide.

The goal of these standards is to:

  • Ensure the safety of patients and health care workers
  • Improve the health care services patients receive and improve patient testing techniques

2. Comprehensive Curriculum

Make sure that the school you choose offers a high quality phlebotomy curriculum with additional career resources.

You need to find a school that not only offers you training, but also teaches you how to protect yourself when dealing with biohazardous materials. The school you choose must teach you how to handle various patient situations.

3. Job Placement Assistance Following Graduation

The majority of schools will help their students find phlebotomy positions after graduation. However, when choosing your school, take it one-step further and try to find a school that offers its students a career department. Schools that have career departments tend to find positions for their graduates quicker.

Not only that, but a career department will also assist you in writing an effective resume.

4. Enroll in Courses that Match Your Background

Phlebotomy courses can be taken by anyone interested in pursuing a career in this field. Therefore, if you already have a medical background, you may not need to go through every unit of the course. Some units are shared among various medical professions. For example, if you have already taken an anatomy course, you may not have to take it again. If this is the case, your phlebotomy course will be less expensive and shorter.

5. Program & Certification Costs

To be considered for enrollment and graduation, all your fees must be paid in full. Each college charges different fees for its phlebotomy program. When you are paying your tuition fee, you need to inquire as to whether that fee includes your study materials and books. You may be required to pay another fee for those services.

The average cost of a phlebotomy program ranges from $600 to $2,500. If you are attending a college, you will be charged according to the number of credit hours you need to take. A phlebotomy certificate is usually the least expensive route to become a phlebotomist. However, to obtain a degree in phlebotomy you need to attend a community college.

The cost of your state-certification exam will vary, depending on which state is administering the test. The average cost ranges from $50 to $75, depending. You can contact your local state department to inquire about costs.

6. Phlebotomy Schools & Financial Aid

The majority of phlebotomy colleges will qualify to receive financial aid from the state and/or other lending sources. If you are having difficulty meeting the program budget, you should consider applying for financial aid. You need to check the options for the college you would like to attend.

You can find government grant information at the Federal Student Aid site located at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/.

7. A Quality Education

The quality of your education will determine whether you are successful in your search for employment and the advancement opportunities you will receive. Enroll in a school that has highly qualified teachers and an adequate amount of teaching resources available. Obviously, teachers with several years of experience are usually better teachers than those who have just started their teaching careers. The quality of your education can affect your starting salary and advancement opportunities as a phlebotomist.

If you need more help finding phlebotomy schools in your area, please contact us. We will do our best to help you out.

7 tips for locating the best phlebotomy schools and jump-start your career as a phlebotomist

Comments (2)

  1. Tobias Armstrong 9 years ago

    I had no idea that the majority of phlebotomy schools qualify to receive financial aid from the state. Financial aid is what got me through college, so I’m always interested to learn how else it can help other people.

  2. Delores Cooper 6 years ago

    I took phlebotomy in my Medical Assistant course I went and took the phlebotomy test 2 years after I graduated didn’t pass the test but would like to take a refresher course can’t get student loans how much would it coat out of pocket

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