Where to find phlebotomy training classes in Michigan. Employment opportunities and salary expectations in the state

Where to find phlebotomy training classes in Michigan. Employment opportunities and salary expectations in the state
November 24, 2012 Phlebotomy Training Group

Choosing a career as a phlebotomy technician can prove to be a wise choice for the promising professional in the near and far future.

A career as a phlebotomist can stand alone as an excellent career choice or it can be used as stepping stone for a career advancement in the healthcare field.

Regardless of the intent, this career is in high demand throughout the healthcare community.

Phlebotomy Training In Michigan, Phlebotomy Schools in the State

As a phlebotomist in the state of Michigan, it is possible to practice phlebotomy without being state certified or licensed as they are not required. Prior to seeking employment, however, it would be beneficial to obtain a phlebotomy certification through an agency that certifies phlebotomists. Taking such measures help to ensure employability. Additionally, it helps to secure jobs for those already employed. Certification agencies that are accepted in this state include:

  • The American Medical Technologists
  • the National Center for Competency and the
  • National Healthcare Association

These are reputable agencies accepted by many employers.

Schools in Michigan

There are many schools that offer a certificate, diploma or an associate degree in this field. The duration of a certificate program is approximately three months in length.


The duration of a diploma program is usually a minimum of one year. An associate degree in phlebotomy takes an average of two years to complete. Although employment as a phlebotomy technician can be easily obtained with a certificate, earning a diploma or a two year degree in this discipline increases the likelihood of obtaining a job. A few schools that offer one of the credentials noted above include:

Macomb Community College is a two year college that offers an excellent certificate program in phlebotomy. Presently, there are no requirements to enter the program. However, it is recommended to obtain a high school diploma or GED prior to taking part in an externship program. This college is located in Warren, MI; the county of Macomb.

The phlebotomy program offered at Mid Michigan Community College is also an excellent program. Upon successful completion of this one year program, a certificate will be earned. If you are interested in obtaining your training at this educational institution, it is located in Clare County, MI in the city of Harrison.

Located in Big Rapids, MI, in the county of Mecosta, Ferris State University offers a three month certificate program in the study of phlebotomy. To gain entrance into this program, a high school diploma is required. Upon completion of the five courses offered in this program, most courses are transferable to an associate or bachelor degree program in the field of medical laboratory technology.

Working As a Phlebotomist in Michigan

As a phlebotomist, the salary varies by city and state and it is commensurate with an increase in education. In this state, the average salary for this profession is $29,000 yearly. Of the major cities in this state, ten are listed with the average salary for a phlebotomy technician below:

Ten Major Cities in Michigan and Relative Phlebotomy Salaries

Average salary paid to phlebotomists in Michigan
City Average Salary
Ann Arbor $25,000
Canton $28,000
Dearborn $28,000
Detroit $29,000
Farmington Hills $28,000
Flint $26,000
Grand Rapids $23,000
Lansing $25,000
Livonia $28,000
Sterling Heights $28,000

Employment Opportunities for Michigan Phlebotomists

Careers for phlebotomy technicians are steadily increasing. Jobs in this field are on the rise due to an increase in population and healthcare needs. As the population grows, these healthcare professionals are needed to provide quality healthcare services such as accurate venipuncture procedures and diagnostic testing as applicable. Obtaining a job as an entry-level phlebotomist or seeking advancement is an easy goal to achieve.

Employment opportunities in this profession are available throughout the healthcare industry. Jobs are available in hospitals, laboratories, public and private clinics. Additionally, employment can be found in blood banks for phlebotomy technicians who take the extra step of achieving a donor’s certification. If you are interested in working in a blood bank, the Grand Valley Blood Program, the American Red Cross Blood Services and the IBR Plasma Center are a few of the blood banks that may be in the process of offering employment. In this profession, employability greatly increases with education and certification.

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