As the lives of many are becoming increasingly busy due to various family activities or longer work hours, the medical industry is finding innovative ways to accommodate patients in maintaining good health. Health Exams Inc. is one of the many medical companies which has extended its phlebotomy services beyond the brick and mortar of its office.
As such, skilled, certified phlebotomy technicians are trained to provide venipuncture procedures at a patient’s chosen location.
Whether the chosen location is that of an office or home, quality mobile phlebotomy care is the perfect service for busy individuals. This service is also excellent for those who are incapable of attending such appointments due to factors concerning age or disability.
Benefits Offered by Mobile Phlebotomy
This one-on-one service provides a convenient and personalized experience for patients. Such individuals take pleasure in knowing that a phlebotomy appointment can be scheduled around their hectic lifestyle. This concierge service will help busy individuals obtain preventive health measures by allowing them to receive regularly scheduled phlebotomy care. With regular phlebotomy appointments, blood screening can be obtained and any health issues may be diagnosed early. As such, immediate medical treatment can be provided, if necessary. In addition to various diagnostics tests, an additional benefit includes the service of resting EKGs. Such phlebotomy equipment enables a phlebotomy technician to provide on-site registration, perform various diagnostic tests and schedule future appointments.
As venipuncture procedures are usually completed within 15 minutes or less, this mobile service is ideal for the healthcare professional and the patient. As a traveling phlebotomist experiences flexibility and the pleasure of providing adequate healthcare, the patient experiences a pleasurable medical experience while eliminating time spent in a waiting area. For those who are unable to travel, it allows them to receive laboratory care as needed.
Mobile Phlebotomy Helps to Increase Proactive Measures
As this mobile, concierge service was once exclusive to Insurance Agencies and Bio Tech Industries, its expansion to the public has provided a great service. Thus, it allows individuals to be assertive and proactive when it comes to their own healthcare. The importance of being proactive is critical for any individual who wants to achieve and maintain optimal health. Such characteristics allow individuals to become better patients, as their confidence and level of communication increases with their physician. As patients become aware of their health conditions, they are more apt to ask better health questions and inquire more information. This increase in communication lends itself to a better doctor-patient relationship and ultimately better health.
Many individuals no longer feel the need to wait for medical personnel to schedule their laboratory appointments, as mobile phlebotomy services can be scheduled for immediate visits. Health Exams Inc. has qualified, licensed phlebotomy technicians who are always on call and waiting to provide immediate phlebotomy services. New Mobile Phlebotomy Services Offered by Health Exams Inc is a win-win situation for everyone involved.