North Dakota Phlebotomy Training Schools & Resources

North Dakota Phlebotomy Training Schools & Resources
December 18, 2012 Phlebotomy Training Group

A phlebotomy technician in this state is a well-respected individual in the medical community. Phlebotomists are skilled professionals who are trained to collect blood from infants, children and adults.

These professionals are also trained to utilize proper equipment and techniques in order to ensure the health and safety of all patients, blood donors and recipients.

As there is a growing need of individuals who require blood testing procedures, there will always be a growing need for phlebotomy technicians.

North Dakota Phlebotomy Training & Resources

As this profession is in high demand, it is easy for all phlebotomists to obtain a job in their chosen field of study. There are many jobs available for the experienced and entry-level phlebotomist. As some jobs may require one or two years of experience, other jobs may offer on the job training. Regardless of the level of experience, the laws in this state do not require phlebotomists to obtain certification in order to practice. Although this credential is not mandatory, individuals in this field are recommended to seek such credential as it is deemed necessary by employers in order to gain employment. In the state of North Dakota, the national certification agencies include the National Phlebotomy Association and the American Society of Clinical Pathologists.

Schools in North Dakota

Due to the high demand of individuals who are professionally trained to withdraw blood, there are many schools or programs that offer phlebotomy courses. As the lifestyle and schedule of each individual may differ, there are also training programs that differ according to the length of study and the credential offered. Some programs include a three to four week certificate program, a two to six month diploma program or a two year associate degree program.


Of the many schools in this state, Rasmussen College and Turtle Mountain Community College are two schools that offer one of these programs. These programs are sure to fit the busy lifestyle of many students.

  • Rasmussen College is an educational institution that offers phlebotomy courses. This institution has an associate degree program that provides its students with didactic and practical learning skills. These skills help with the preparation concerning the national certification exam. This college is located in Bismark, North Dakota in the county of Burleigh.
  • Turtle Mountain Community College also offers a phlebotomy program. This school offers classes over a nine month period. Upon successful completion, students are awarded with a certificate. This college is located in Belcourt, a city in Rolette County .

Working as a Phlebotomist in North Dakota

On average, the salary you can expect in this state is $28,000. The salary in each city is commensurate with education and job related experience. If you are uncertain concerning the city in which you would like to practice, the average salary in some of this state’s major cities could help you decide.

Average salary paid to phlebotomists in North Dakota
City Average Salary
Bismark $28,000
Dickinson $25,000
Fargo $22,000
Grand Forks $21,000
Jamestown $21,000
Mandan $23,000
Minot $26,000
Wahpeton $22,000
West Fargo $22,000
Williston $19,000

Employment Opportunities for Phlebotomists in ND

There are many jobs available for those who seek employment as a phlebotomy technician. Job opportunities are prevalent in this state due to the increasing demand of various blood testing procedures. The skills of such professionals are required in numerous inpatient and outpatient medical facilities. These facilities include hospitals, nursing homes and laboratories. If employment is inquired at one of these facilities, the employer may require a certificate, diploma or an associate degree in addition to one of the national certifications. Job positions are also available at blood banks.

For such individuals who are interested in working at blood bank facilities, a blood donor certificate is required in addition to the standard and recommended credential. To obtain further information you can contact Biolife Plasma Services or United Blood Services. These are two of the many blood banks within this state.

The available job positions for phlebotomy technicians are numerous. As the demand for this profession is likely to remain high, great career opportunities and career advancements are in the reach of all phlebotomists. This is especially true for those who seek national certification.

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