South Carolina Phlebotomy Training Schools and Information

South Carolina Phlebotomy Training Schools and Information
February 26, 2013 Phlebotomy Training Group

Practicing as a phlebotomist can be extremely exciting. These professionals are in constant contact with a myriad of individuals. As such, they have the opportunity to practice the skills gained from a formal training program.

In such program, students gain an understanding of topics that include the venous blood system and techniques associated with drawing blood. As students successfully complete all coursework, they become skilled phlebotomy technicians.

Phlebotomy Training SC

South Carolina recognizes skilled phlebotomists by the credential received from an accredited school or program. According to this state, this is the sole credential needed for employment. Additional credentials are not required. A national certification, however is recommended as it will satisfy the requirements for employers. In South Carolina, national certification can be obtained from the American Society for Clinical Pathology, the National Phlebotomy Association or the Association of Phlebotomy Technicians.

Finding Schools in South Carolina

Training programs in this state consist of certificate, diploma and associate degree programs. These programs vary in length of study and related fees. Although there are some differences among these programs, these programs have the common goal of leading phlebotomy students to their ultimate goal of becoming a phlebotomist.

In a certificate program, students are expected to take courses ranging from two to six weeks. This is the shortest route to become phlebotomist. Diploma programs offer a longer route with more in-depth training. These programs can last for a period of two to six months. Associate degree programs will take 24 months to complete. This is the time frame for most associate degree programs.


Trident Technical College is one of the colleges in this state that offers training to phlebotomy students. Students learn various aspects of safety and phlebotomy procedures. This college is located in North Charleston, South Carolina. This city has a seat in the counties of Charleston, Berkeley and Dorchester.

Greenville Technical College is another educational institution that offers training in phlebotomy. It provides 192 hours of didactic learning and 120 hours of clinical practice. This college prepares students for entry-level positions. This school is located in the city and county of Greenville.

Working as a Phlebotomist in South Carolina

As a phlebotomist in South Carolina, there are many opportunities to live the lifestyle desired. As such, a phlebotomist can increase his or her salary in accordance with an increase in education. The following list shows the average salary paid to phlebotomists in the state of South Carolina and in some of its major cities. This list can be used to help determine which city can provide the best income for the lifestyle desired.

Average salary paid to phlebotomists in South Carolina
City Average Salary
South Carolina $26,000
Aiken $28,000
Charleston $25,000
Florence $28,000
Greenville $23,000
Myrtle Beach $30,000
Rock Hill $30,000
Spartanburg $23,000
Sumter $25,000

Employment Opportunities for South Carolina Phlebotomists

In South Carolina, there are numerous jobs available. This relates to the high demand for phlebotomy services. As such, many diagnostic procedures are requested in order to provide preventive health measures or necessary medical treatment if applicable. Facilities that request phlebotomy services include healthcare centers, nursing homes and blood banks.

Biochemed Corp and Curesource Inc are two blood banks that require phlebotomy services. In order to work in a blood bank, a blood donor certificate is required. This is in addition to a school credential and national certification– The only requirements for employment in other facilities. To obtain employment as a phlebotomist, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare your resume and send it to a workplace of interest via fax or electronic mail. A follow-up call should also be made.

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